

Caring for someone who could not manage without you?

If you look after your partner, family member or friend, who could not manage without you due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty, life-limiting illness or substance misuse problems, then you are an unpaid Carer and we want to help you.

Once we know that you are caring for someone then we can:

  • Offer you a free annual flu vaccination and health check
  • Arrange flexible / joint appointment times where possible
  • Offer you our free ‘Carer Information Pack’ which is available from Reception
  • Offer you a referral to your local Carers Support Service, which provides free information, support and advice
  • Offer you a referral for a Carer’s Assessment, which identifies what support you may need in your caring role and what is available to you

Register with us today by completing our Carer Identification Form, ask Reception for a copy. You can return your completed form back to our Receptionist.

See our Carers' Self Help resources

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